10 Tips For A Fast Breast Lift Recovery

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Are you considering having a breast lift (mastopexy) or maybe even have one scheduled very soon? Most likely this isn’t a procedure you have had done before.
If surgery is in the near future for you (or thinking about it), you need to know the best ways to recover. Like all of us who have had a breast lift, you want to be able to get back to your life… ASAP.
I had my Mastopexy (breast lift) 6 months ago. To say the least, I had a lot challenges with my surgery. And, I do wish I was better prepared.
That’s why these 10 Tips for Fast Breast Lift Recovery are super important to know if you are planning to have a breast lift. Honestly, I would highly recommend them to myself if I was to do it all over again! And now, I’m recommending them to you.
What to Expect When Having a Breast Lift
It is important to have an understanding of what to expect when you are having a breast lift. Like most doctors and their staff, they throw out all this information at you so fast, you barely have time to absorb it.
What’s even worse is they tell you some of this information as you are just waking up from your surgery… UGH!
Breast lifts are one of the more dangerous plastic surgery procedures. Not only does this surgery take a long time to perform but can have complications that can be mentally and physically damaging.
1. Support
This is why SUPPORT comes in at number 1. When having this procedure, it is very important to have the best support you can surround yourself with.
So, call your mom, sister, husband, boyfriend, or even your bestie… because you are gonna need it!
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Physical Support
In my case, due to Breast Implant Illness, I had my breast implants removed along with a breast lift. My procedure was a little more invasive because not only did they remove my implants, but they removed my capsule as well. Then the doctor did the mastopexy.
I was extremely uncomfortable after my surgery. I couldn’t move. My breasts were up around my neck and boy was I swollen.
And let’s not forget to mention, you are wrapped up in a compression bra and a wrap as well.
Then you have these two lovely drains pinned to your wrap, excreting fluids from each breast. Not a pretty picture… literally haha.
You Just Can’t Move
You not only will need help moving, getting in and out of bed but also draining your tubes. Draining the tubes needs to be done every 4-6 hours and then recorded. I needed help because I physically couldn’t do that myself. Especially being on some heavy narcotics for the first few days.
I would highly recommend prepping your core before a mastopexy surgery. Try adding some core workouts before your surgery. You become very reliant on your core during this time… so add a little plank or sit-ups to your daily activities.
Mental Support
As we all know when you go into surgery and out, you will physically need help. But no one talks about mental support. This is just as important… if not more so!
Which is why I mentioned first was getting the support of your mom. Moms are amazing, very supportive, and patient. Unfortunately, my mom passed away from covid a few months prior, she would have been amazing in this type of situation. So, I turned to my sister next. Who was an amazing support system for me.
Love and Understanding of Your Needs
During this time, you need love and patience. You will need someone who is going to be supportive emotionally to all of your needs and new body.
This person must be able to listen to you and know when you either need medication or to know if you are having signs of complications. More importantly, they have to be willing to take time out of their schedule to be a support for you.
In my case, my sister was able to see that something didn’t look right with my surgery. She was able to reassure me things were going to be ok but that I need to be aware.
During this time, we also were able to make light of things and laugh about them… like how my areolas looked like pepperonis haha. I know gross, but we needed something to laugh about.
This laughter helped me through a lot. Which is why having the mental support of someone who loves you is super important.
2. Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions
Like I said earlier… the doctor and nurses throw a lot at you and it’s hard to take it all in. I would recommend taking all the paperwork with you to look over when you feel better.
Also, it’s important to have your support person pay close attention to the instructions as well. AND, make sure you have a 24-hour number to reach your doctor, especially in the first 24-48 hours after surgery.
Get On The Right Regimen For Your Medication
After my surgery, I was given 3 medications. One was for inflammation and the other two were narcotics. Well… one was for nausea, due to the opioid making me sick. It’s extremely important to take these exactly as instructed to.
The doctor/nurses had me take these prescriptions on an opposite schedule from each other. What made it difficult as they had to be taken every four hours apart from each other. And then add the emptying of the drains every 4-6 hours as well.
If you can find a rhythm in the beginning and a schedule that doesn’t screw you all up, this will help with your sleep patterns. The better sleep you get the faster you will recover.
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Take Only Recommended Medications
Let your doctor and nurses know exactly what you are taking. This is very important because it can affect your procedure and healing.
Of course, major medications are skipped on the day of the surgery and resumed the next day.
Ask About Herbal Supplements
This one is very important! You must tell your plastic surgeon what supplements you are on because like prescription medication this will affect your body more than you think.
I also worked with my primary doctor, who had me on Omega-3, B12, and milk thistle. Although herbal supplements are amazing, they can really affect your surgery.
My doctor had me stop all my herbal supplements a week before surgery. And, my primary doctor didn’t want me to resume Omega-3 up till 3 weeks post-op. She mentioned it thins your blood and it was important to not take it till you are really on the road to recovery.
So you can see why it’s very important to be transparent with every medication and herbal supplement you are taking.
3. Comfort
Now, we all know it’s really important to be comfortable. I guess that’s a given with the casual wear we have been living in due to the covid lifestyles. But when it comes to surgery, you have to have the right clothes and pillows.
Yes, I said pillows! Or should I say pillow.
During your pre-op appointment, they go over what to wear to surgery on the day of. Nothing over the head, too tight or constricting… really just something very easy to slip on, something will protect your breast.
Easy peasy, right? Well, it’s easy depending on what time of year it is.
I had mine done in the fall. It was starting to get cold, and I needed something that could just zip up. It was very hard to find anything that would work without getting a robe. This is why I recommend this warm Women’s Casual Tunic Hoodie. This was great because it was long, comfortable, and easy to put on.
After my surgery, I was already super uncomfortable and wanted anything heavy off me. Which is why I brought a few of these Spaghetti Strap Nightgowns. Not only are these cheap but they come in a bunch of colors.
They are lightweight and I slipped them up over my hips, instead of over my head. These dresses are great to sleep in and lounge around in. Plus, it made it easy to go to the bathroom and to be able to take care of my drains. I highly recommend them!
I told you I’d come back to pillows. This is a must I tell you… a MUST!
Your doctor wants you to sleep at a 45-degree angle. But only so many pillows will pile on top of each other before they start shifting. And trust me they all decide to move around at once and then the next thing you notice is your head is jammed up against your chest. This is not a good thing!
I recommend getting a Surgery Pillow. This pillow is great for post-op surgery. This specific pillow I have linked here is great because it has 5 in 1 design. But regardless of the 5 different ways to use it, right now, all you need it to stay at that 45-degrees while sleeping.
Sleeping at a 45-degree angle helps with blood flow. If you don’t, your blood vessels will constrict and the volume of blood and other fluids around the wound will increase. This will lead to swelling and prevent healing.
So, it might just be a good thing to go ahead and add a surgery or body pillow to your shopping list!
4. Be Very Careful of Your Incisions
This I can’t stress enough… you must be very careful of your incisions. You just have had major surgery; your skin has been cut and tightened. Your breast are very fragile right now.
Most surgeons will want to take out your drains about 3-7 days after your surgery. This involves removing a few stitches and then pulling the drains out.
Side note… this is a little painful. Just remember to take a deep breath and breathe out when they pull them out. This worked for me. I didn’t do it on one side, and it hurt… ugh!
I had a lot of fluid filling drains that I was unable to have my drains removed till day 7 post-op. During this time, I was not allowed to shower because the doctor wanted the area dry and clean. I pretty much didn’t touch anything on my chest except had help emptying my drains for those 7 days.
After those 7 days I was allowed to shower. I was told to just let the water run over me. No soap, scrubbing, or even touching the surgical area.
5. Pay Very Close Attention to Complications
I did say how super important it was to be careful of your incisions in #4… but #5 is even more important! This point right here can save your life. Literally! Most complications are rare, but it is important to be aware of them.
In my case, I didn’t know what to look for. And I had major complications with my breast lift. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about breast lift complications, or what to look for until it was too late.
Signs to Look For
The first sign to look for is pain. Now you will have pain regardless but if it is worsening then you need to contact your doctor immediately.
I didn’t have any pain out of the ordinary, but I did have excessive swelling bruising, new bleeding, and discharge from my right breast.
I knew this was not normal because my left breast wasn’t experiencing the same symptoms. My symptoms came into full bloom when my areola and along the anchor incisions turned black. Later I would learn this was due to narcosis, which eventually led to my right breast bursting open.
I don’t tell you this to scare you. But you should know what to look for, so you can be in contact with your surgeon before it becomes worse.

It is important to know everything you can about Breast Implants if you are thinking about getting them!
6. Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is what we always strive for… may not always happen, but we try, right?!
Before and after surgery, choosing a healthy diet at this time is more important than ever. The right nutrition will give you the energy and nutrients you need to have a speedy recovery.
Low Carbs and NO Sugar
I’m sure you are like me, stressing over surgery and you start eating your emotions. Or maybe you are celebrating having a new body and that means treating yourself with some of your favorite foods.
Well, I hate to tell you this, but that’s one of the worst things you can do. Right now, not only do you need all the best micros and macros you can put in your body, but sugar and high carbs help feed infections.
During this time, you want to up your proteins which helps with healing. Protein is made up of amino acids. Ok… I won’t bore you but just know protein builds and right now you need to rebuild tissue and have those incisions seal properly.
I had to really up my protein intake to help with healing. This protein powder was my go-to. It’s gluten-free, lactose-free, 10 grams of collagen, and 25 grams of protein. And it tastes really good too.
Best Vitamins for Post-OP
Other important nutrients for healing are, Vitamin C and K.
We all know we can get Vitamin C from citrus fruits but vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage are a great sources as well.
Vitamin K not only helps with swelling but also helps with blood clotting. You are probably thinking… ummm you just said you don’t want blood clots, which is why you need to move your body. Well, in this case it helps the blood to heal the incisions and prevent you from bleeding out… for lack of better words. It seals the deal.
You can find Vitamin K in leafy greens like kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, and in other foods like fish meat and eggs.
7. Stay Hydrated
I know you knew this one was coming… it’s always a given. Also, no Alcohol! Yep, none… zip… zilch. But really, who feels like drinking after having surgery. What’s important to know is, you probably shouldn’t do it before surgery either.
Alcohol dehydrates you. And right now, you have to be extremely hydrated.
Why Is It Important to Be Hydrated Before Surgery?
Maintaining this balance through proper hydration is an important part of your health. Your body needs adequate hydration to maintain the right temperature, eliminate waste, protect joints, and cushion tissues.
So, you can see why it’s kinda important. You gotta get rid of those toxins before surgery!
The recommendation is to not drink alcohol a week before surgery and then 3 weeks after surgery.
With water, the more the better. But be mindful of overhydration because that will leave you bloated and have low levels of sodium.
8. Get Up and Move Your Body
Now that you are done with the big part of just going through a major surgery, you have some work to do. Moving your body to heal your body.
Unless you have had a surgery like a breast lift before, this is like nothing you have experienced. Quite honestly, I had my breasts done twice up to this point (an augmentation and a rupture), but this was a completely new experience for me.
Not only were my breasts pinned incredibly high on my chest, but I was also wrapped very tight and had drains underneath each breast as well. I couldn’t move, but not like couldn’t move when I got my implants put in the first time (that wasn’t fun either), this was different. This was more like being completely cut open, parts taken out, moved around, and then put back on your body, kinda thing. Because that’s what they literally do! haha. And maybe it was more difficult for me because I had 12-year-old breast implants and capsules that needed to be removed as well.
So, long story short, moving just totally sucked! But it is super important to get your body moving, as soon as you can.
Get that Blood Flowing
The quicker you get up and move the faster you will heal. And I’m not talking about running a marathon… just move those legs.
By moving you will get more blood flowing through your body. In your blood there are nutrients (like protein and glucose), electrolytes, vitamins, along with water and oxygen. It’s very important to get all of those things to the areas where you were just operated on.
Reduce Complications After Surgery
Studies have suggested that increasing whole-body blood flow and oxygen, quickly after surgery will reduce mortality, morbidity, and major complications.
Experts say to just walk around your house every hour or two. This can help prevent serious complications and even blood clots.
Make sure in the beginning that you have that physical support system in case you feel weak or nauseous and need a little bit of help.
9. Communication
With any relationship communication is the key, right? Well, it is no different with your surgeon and their staff.
It is important to be in constant contact with your plastic surgeon, especially within the first 48 hours. If anything goes wrong, you need to notify him as soon as you can. Most doctors and staff have a 24-hour number you can call or text. Make sure you have that number.
The doctor needs to make sure there are no changes in how you are feeling and looking. This goes back to… #5. Pay Close Attention to Any Complications.
Write Down Any Questions You Have
If you don’t feel like you have any complications that need immediate attention, that’s great! But, you might have a few concerns. Write these concerns or even basic questions down and ask your doctor on your next check-up.
This is important to do because when you see your doctor you might forget all those important questions by then (I did). And trust me, you will leave frustrated with yourself because you didn’t remember to bring them up.
You just never know how important that question or concern was, if you didn’t ask. And don’t be hesitant to ask it, because more than likely, that question will pop up again down the road.
Communicate… communicate… communicate with your Doctor and the staff. They have done this many times and have seen it all.
10. Don’t Stress
We have all stressed ourselves out at one time or another… sometimes too many times. And we all know it always makes the situation worse, right?! This is not the time to stress.
Take your time to heal and recognize your body is HEALING! It is so important to be patient with your body and what it has and is going through.
Don’t Rush It
Don’t push yourself. Don’t let your mind tell you… ‘ok, you have been laying in bed too long and now you need to get on with life’. This is a huge surgery with the possibility of complications. You need to take it slow and be gentle with your new breast.
Once you have healed and your breasts are exactly how you want them, you will love your old but new breasts. Don’t rush the process. Just take a deep breath, quiet your mind, and understand it’s just going to take some time.
Unexpected Complications
In my situation, I didn’t heal as expected. Now, 6 months and 4 surgeries later (revision as of Feb 2024: 2.5 years later and 7 surgeries 😬), and a few mental breakdowns, I have to keep reminding myself not to stress.
Life is not always easy and it doesn’t always come out exactly how you expect it to. More importantly… if you can laugh and find humor in those tough times, then you will come out the other side a stronger person!
Take it from someone who has experienced the worst… and hopefully, this will give you a little peace and comfort to keep you moving forward. From one breast lift recipient to another… You Got This! 💕
Good luck and may the forceps be with you. 🤣 🤣
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