Breast Health
Breast come in all shapes and sizes and will change with age, as our hormones change and even through surgery.
They are part of what makes us Women. Which why we need to be talking and educating ourselves about them more!

Why I Wish I Never Got Breast Implants!
Why I Wish I Never Got Breast Implants!After eight breast surgeries later, I am disfigured, beyond embarrassed of my body, and regretting ever getting breast implants in the first place! Ok, so my story may be similar to others, (I doubt it). You might have heard...
What You Didn’t Know About Breast Implants & Breast Implant Illness
What You Didn't Know About Breast Implants and Breast Implant IllnessI’m sure if you ask most women, they aren’t fairly happy with their breasts. They are either too small, too big, hang too low, not perky enough, or not round enough and for many of us who are...
Life After Botched
Life After Botched*WARNING- THIS POST CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES*I didn’t know life without gauze, bandages, bleeding, and exposed tissue. I tried to remember life before this… but I just couldn’t. I tried to visualize my body before this… but I just couldn’t. If you...
Surviving My Botched Surgery
Surviving a Botched Surgery*WARNING- THIS POST CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES*Everyone has their own story and pathway when it comes to plastic surgery. For those who’ve done it or are thinking about doing it, we have our reasons. Whether yours is to fix something you...
10 Tips For a Fast Breast Lift Recovery
10 Tips For A Fast Breast Lift Recovery*WARNING- THIS POST CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES*Don't have a lot of time... and want to get right to it? Jump right to the section you want to read about! Support Doctor's Instructions Comfort Your Incisions Complications Healthy...
Why Is Plastic Surgery Dangerous?
Why is Plastic Surgery Dangerous?*WARNING- THIS POST CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES*Are you in a rush? Here are the highlights... Botched Surgeries Breast Procedures Breast Lift vs Breast Reduction Necrosis of the Breast Post-Op Surgery Nightmare! Let me start off by...
9 Things I Wish I Knew Before Getting Breast Implants
9 THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE GETTING BREAST IMPLANTSAre you like me and have a pretty short attention span? Well, I got you... just jump to the section you want to read! Considering Plastic Surgery? Weight Gain Ruptures Breast Implant Illness Toxicity Saggy Boobs...
How To Get Your Insurance Company To Pay For Your Breast Implant Removal
HOW TO GET YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY TO PAY FOR YOUR BREAST IMPLANT REMOVALI've read some great success stories on women who were able to have their insurance pay for their breast implant removal. Unfortunately, I have read other stories, where women weren't so...
It’s Time To For Breast Implant Illness To Be Recognized
It’s Time To For Breast Implant Illness To Be RecognizedNow that you have been diagnosed with Breast Implant Illness, you want your implants out. But how can you afford an explant? Like many women who have become sick from their implants, you have probably have...
What My Plastic Surgeon Told Me About Getting My Breast Implants Removed
WHAT MY PLASTIC SURGEON TOLD ME ABOUT GETTING MY BREAST IMPLANTS REMOVEDGetting your breast implants removed is a lot more expensive than getting them put in. Isn't that crazy?! Some surgeons even charge double the price of what you originally paid. This is because...