Breast Implant Illness
The Truth About Breast Implants and What They Don’t Want You To Know

So you decide to get breast implants. You love them and the way your body now looks.
But after a while, you begin to have health issues ranging from weight gain, brain fog, decreased libido, inflammation, liver toxicity, new food intolerance, changes in menstrual cycles, hair loss, and eventually the development of an autoimmune disease.
You go to the doctor after doctor and they give you medication for your thyroid or heart complications (if you are lucky). But most of the time they tell you there is nothing wrong with you or that you are just getting older.
But you know you don’t feel normal. You are feeling the same as millions of other women around the world; WE are suffering from Breast Implant Illness….
Find out more on What Breast Implant Illness Is, How Do You Know If You Have Breast Implant Illness, 7 Key Things You Should Know About Breast Implant Illness From The FDA, and much more.
Why I Wish I Never Got Breast Implants!
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What You Didn’t Know About Breast Implants & Breast Implant Illness
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It’s Time To For Breast Implant Illness To Be Recognized
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How Do You Know If You Have Breast Implant Illness?
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7 Key Things You Should Know About Breast Implants… From The FDA
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Saline Breast Implants: Leaks, Mold and Fungi
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Learning About Breast Implant Illness
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My First Breast Implant Rupture
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