The Quick Version

Your body is not used to foreign objects in it. So why are breast implants any different?
The first time I had heard about Breast Implant Illness (BII), I remember asking a woman (a nurse) who had her implant removed. “Why is it any different putting implants in your body vs plates and screws?” And her response was, “Implants have thousands and thousands of toxic metals that absorb into your body.” This was a surprise to me… I hadn’t heard of this before.
We have all heard that silicone implants can rupture and get into the bloodstream and be very toxic. What they don’t tell you is, it’s just not what’s inside of the silicone implants that can make you sick, it’s the shell as well.
Why Are Implants Toxic?
Silicone is an element that exists in nature as crystalline silica, which has been shown to activate the immune system in conditions. Although, they say silicone used in breast implants is different, then why are so many women getting very sick?
The outer shell of EVERY implant is made from a silicone mixture. The silicone shell contains Methyl ethyl ketone (neurotoxin), Ethylene oxide (carcinogen), Oakite (clean solvent), Bezene (carcinogen/neurotoxin… yep the same Bezene that causes lymphoma), and what caught my eye… Formaldehyde! The list goes on and on. These are just some of the metals and toxins in the shell alone.
So What Do Implants Do To Your Body?
What happens is, over time these toxins begin to break down from the shell and absorb into your body. Think about it, these implants are so close to vital organs…Ummm and your lymphatic system! Your body starts to recognize the foreign object and then begins to send out antibodies to destroy them. Unfortunately, your body starts attacking itself, also known as an autoimmune disease. That’s in some cases… if you are lucky!
Other women have not been so lucky, from serious debilitating health complications, staph infection, to even losing their lives.
This is some very scary stuff. What’s even more unnerving is how we are encouraged to get breast implants and we are gladly doing it!!