Most people think of meditation as a concept for people who do yoga or those who want ‘World Peace’… haha. And we know that cultures, religions, and spiritual practices have been doing it forever, to help find inner peace. Have you ever thought that maybe if people have been meditating for hundreds of years… there might be something to it.

Loving Kindness Meditation and Compassion Meditation practices are being introduced and investigated in psychotherapy with really promising results. They are being used to help those with anxiety, fear, depression, anger, and hostility. Therapists are helping their patients focus on their mental state with positive energy and kindness.

How Does Meditation Relate To Me

We tend to be very degrading and hostile to ourselves. And a lot of time we are nicer to strangers more than we are to ourselves. As we say words of hurt and anger to ourselves, we begin to do damage internally. The more we are self-deprecating the more these words are accompanied by emotional problems and we fall into depression, anger, or even physical health problems!

In a highly competitive world, for women, we are told we are not good enough, strong enough, pretty enough, or smart enough… you name it the list goes on and on. We tend to internalize those thoughts and we begin to break down our strengths, our souls, and even our own physical health.

Positive Thinking Allows For Grow

Our mind is strongly connected to our physical health… actually our brain runs our whole body! When our thoughts are controlled and loving we begin to evoke features of wisdom, empathy, and understanding.

Mind Control

Meditation begins with self-compassion. This attitude of compassion directed towards the self is made up of 3 concepts.

Mindfulness: Recognize your sufferings but not dwell on them. Understand you have them but tell yourself in a repetition “may you be well”, “may you be happy”, and “may you be safe”.

We need to recognize that suffering is part of life and our journey. This is where we learn and grow… and become stronger women to help others.

Self-kindness: A kind attitude towards the self, as opposed to harshness and self-criticism.

We tend to have self-pity from the trials we are going through and then beat ourselves up over them. We break ourselves down in talks of not being enough. Talk to yourself just like you would to someone you truly love. Pick a mantra of love, even if it’s saying, “I am enough” throughout the day. Because you are enough!

Common Humanity: Compassion towards others and their own happiness. Here we can start with ourselves and then move outward to our friends and family, then communities, and then eventually the whole world. I know that might sound a bit foofy but start slow and wish for good things for those you care about… and then move from there.

BLUECONY Meditation Bench IKUKO Original, Portable Version with Bag, Locally Handmade Wooden Kneeling Ergonomic Seiza Seat - Dark Walnut, Standard Height (7" or 18cm)
  • BACK AND BODY SOLUTION - Kneeling bench to sit in a natural, balanced and relaxed posture that holds your spine in a perfect position. The proper alignment will allow you to release tension, relax back and shoulder muscles and reduce stress.Designed for those struggling with a standardized cross-legged position and anyone wanting to relax muscles, increase energy level, improve circulation, and expand shoulders for a gratifying deep prana breathing.
  • THREE SIZES - Three height available depending on your body, height and flexibility. Low: people less than 5'4 - Standard: people between 5'' and 6' - High: people 6' and up. Also the curved and arched seat provides optimal comfort and support without the need of a cushion or pillow.Keep in mind that bodies, measurements and flexibility are different from one person to another, sizes are only references for the majority of users. Consider exchanging if you find it too small or too high.
  • POSTURE ALIGNMENT - The open sitting angle between thigh and torso and the kneeling position (aka Seiza) allows the back to automatically straighten so the spine balances properly over the pelvis, rediscovering its natural curve decreasing damaging compressive loads on the low back, allowing deeper breathing, better circulation, energy flow and general well-being.
  • TRAVEL VERSION - The Original IKUKO bench can be easily dismantled by removing both legs. Comes with 100% Organic Cotton travel bag. All benches are pre-tested manually before shipping to ensure the legs are well adjusted. Use it for Yoga, prayer, seiza, all-day workshops, retreats, as a stool, a chair for teachers reading to kids, a kneeling or a low bench. Bring IKUKO with you everywhere!
  • Made in Canada - Designed and handmade with wild cherry wood for our sustainable forest since 2008. Proudly trusted worldwide.This relaxing bench is a wonderful alternative to a meditation cushion, zafu, zambuton or chair.

Effects Of Meditation

Meditation is effective in reducing depression, and increasing mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion, as well as positive emotions. Whether you want to sit down in the morning or at night in a quiet place or even in your car before walking into work, take a few minutes to yourself.

Say words of affirmation and kindness to yourself, even if you are the only one saying them to you. It’s important for you to know, you love yourself. Then your brain can relay that message to the rest of your body and soul for a stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually you!