Did you know your body is made up of energy?
Soooo… I’m going to teach you how to use that energy, to be happy, healthy, and love life!
Energy flows in you and out of your body. This energy is both electrical and chemical. It’s all about physics, baby!
But what does that mean?
Physics is above my pay grade, and I know you didn’t come here for a science lesson. But you’ll find out that science plays a huge role in why… You love with all your heart and when it’s broken it hurts like HELL!
Ok… I know you know the heart is super important, but did you know, the Heart is your energy center?
The heart is where all energy passes through your body. When that energy is perceived as good it makes you feel full of love, compassion, forgiveness, and even unconditional love and joy!
This energy is flowing through you, and what’s great when it’s like this, is you want to share it with everyone.
I’m sure that’s where running through fields or singing in the rain came from… haha. You are just so darn happy.
But when that energy is a disturbing energy… it can be trapped there. The scary thing is it has been scientifically proven you can die of a broken heart.
How is that possible?!
Let’s call this negative energy to make it easier to understand. Negative energy, that disturbs you is unable to pass through your main energy center. Therefore, if it doesn’t pass through you it builds.
Your energy center is POWERFUL, and it affects your everyday life. This center is the point in your body where energy focuses, is distributed, and flows from. And the heart either opens or closes, releasing or holding on to that energy.
So, why is that so important you ask?
Have you ever been talking to someone; you are having a great conversation and you are feeling a lot of love towards them… then they say something that all of the sudden upsets you?
You begin to feel yourself tighten up… you can feel your blood pressure begin to rise, your heart starts pounding faster, your fists tighten, tears might start forming, and now you are angry (or upset).
Well, what happened? (I know we have all experienced this, especially if you have ever been in a relationship!)
This is when that negative energy has entered your energy center. Annnnd, wants to there to stay.
The hard part is, that we experience negativity every day. Not only are we fighting this type of energy, but the ones we buried deep down eventually comes bubbling right back up.
You know when you are fighting with your significant other, and random thoughts that happened to you… day, months even years ago come back to you?
That’s what we call stored energy. Your energy source was storing those inside your body, nestled right inside you, just waiting to make an appearance again.
Hellooooo…. Remember me and how I made you feel 5 years ago. Guess what? I’m going to make you feel terrible all over again!
Now think of years and decades of every negative energy you stored. YIKES!
While this negative energy has made a home inside you, it plays a very big role on your mental health.
You will experience extreme grief, sadness, jealousy, greediness, anger, and worst of all you feel you have no control over these feelings.
Issues like co-dependence, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust yourself or others can result in trapped energy. This will make you feel lonely, insecure, and isolated.
As expected, you may have difficulty giving and receiving love and as well as forgiving yourself. You may also experience physical pains in the center of the chest.
Since your energy center is your heart… guess what?
It directly affects your heart figuratively and literally! Not only does it affect your heart, but could affect your lungs, chest, arms, and hands. When this energy is trapped, you may suffer from poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, and heart and lung conditions.
Let’s add on to that… weight gain (or loss), autoimmune diseases, and even death.
Sadly, I have no doubt there are more complications out there. But let’s not focus on the negative energy.
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You take in energy through all your senses. When something disturbs you, you resist it, and it doesn’t pass through, but actually gets blocked.
Now imagine if nothing was stored inside of you.
Say you are walking along the beach. You smell the ocean air, you see the beautiful sunset, and listen to the waves crashing. Maybe you have seen this a hundred times. You take it all in and then it goes right through you till you observe something new.
When you have no personal issue with what you are experiencing, you take in this energy, experience it and then let it go freely.
This is living life… experiencing every moment and then moving on to the next. If you can do this, then you are a fully aware being, living in a fully aware state. This is you experiencing positive energy that will expand your heart and mind.
Now imagine if you could do that all the time, letting all energy just pass right through you. You would live fully in the present.
You would not carry around grudges or heartaches. You would have self-love and love for others, accompanied by empathy, wisdom, feelings of being connected, friendliness, and emotional balance.
Sounds awesome right?!
And now you are thinking there is no way I can have a fight with a friend or partner and just let it go… just let it pass right through me. Or what about when that stranger said that I was…
If it’s not one thing, it’s another. All these blocked energies are fighting for your attention. When one negative energy comes along and you push it down, but then another one shows up.
You are constantly thinking about one or another as your brain is trying to process all of it.
This is exhausting just writing about it! Can you imagine how much of that energy is being stored in our bodies?
Remember walking on the beach? You didn’t need to process those experiences you had there. You observed it, felt it, and then released it all, then opened yourself up to something new.
Well, here’s the thing… those negative situations you experienced, you resisted them. You didn’t observe, feel, and released them as you did with the beach walk.
So now, this blocked energy is now an unfinished energy that ends up running your life!
We talked about energy being physics, right?!
Energy comes in waves. Energy enters you and then leaves you. But like we now know, it can then get blocked in you. This blockage doesn’t stay in one place. It circles around and then can either come back up, which at this point you can release it, or you can push it right back down.
Eventually, you will have so much blocked repressed energy, you begin to look at the world negatively. This is due to all energy that now passes through you must pass through all that negative build-up.
Oh… and new impressions will stimulate old ones. This will bring up feelings of how it affected your life then and it will affect your life now.
Just a vicious cycle that will continue, unless you release now!
Think about all the things you see and experience all day long. They pass right through you. Much more positive energy passes through you than negative energy. So, that’s a positive thought! Haha.
Why is that? Because you don’t cling to them. You don’t sit there over-analyzing them and replaying them over and over in your head.
Ugh… My head is already spinning just thinking about all the times I have done that personally.
The heart is what gives you life, inspires you, allows you to love and be loved, and carries you through life.
Energy is meant to move through your heart at all times. The more open your heart is, the more you can live your life to the fullest and be in a state of euphoria.
If you learn to be fully aware and centered, you can observe when a negative energy comes up or enters your senses. When it does… just let go.
Relax your heart and visualize that energy leaving your body. Don’t fight the energy and don’t make decisions when these blocks occur, just let them flow right through you.
Feel it and release it.
If you tighten up your fist really tight and then relax it… how does that feel? Now imagine your heart doing the same thing.
The more you do this the more your heart will be permanently open.
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you did this all the time? Imagine how much physical and mental energy you would have. Think about putting energy into other places in your life. Creativity would flow freely through you. You would live the rest of your life with passion and love.
I guess that’s why the heart represents LOVE.

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