It has been exactly a year now since being diagnosed with Breast Implant Illness and making some major lifestyle changes. Knowing that you have to have your implants removed is one thing. But it was another thing to be diagnosed with an Autoimmune disorder because of the implants.
Oh and here’s another kicker… my body is now sending me into menopause, even though I’m not really at the age, just yet. Let me tell you, breast implants are nothing to mess with and they really do screw up your whole body!
Sex, Lies, and Menopause
I’m working with an amazing doctor right now, who I thank my lucky stars for finding her! She has changed my life and I’m so grateful for her and the time she takes to educate me. But that’s not the point of this post, haha. But if you can find a doctor that is willing to work with you… find one!
Anyways, so she first had me read, Sex, Lies, and Menopause by T.S Whiley before even talking about Hormone Replacement Therapy. I honestly don’t think I put the book down the minute I got it, it literally blew my mind. And my poor Mom and sister… I think I sent them texts every hour that went a little like this… “DID YOU KNOW???”
Related Read:
What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy? (HRT)
I highly recommend reading this book! I don’t care what age you are, this is a must-read for ALL women. If you want to understand your body and what you are up against as you age, this book will help you and give you hope.
Ending The Cycle
I’ll be honest… as my menstrual cycle was becoming nonexistent, I was considering myself puurdy lucky and being so young too. But after understanding how important our female hormones are to us as aging women, I was very adamant about starting Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy… like yesterday!
I am exactly one month in from starting my Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. I’m taking Estrogen with a little bit of Testosterone and also Progesterone. These are very specific doses each day and it goes with the lunar moon. This type of HRT is to get you back on track with a 28-day cycle with a flow of 5 days.
This Girl Is On Hormones
I can’t say that I have noticed a huge crazy difference yet since it has only been a month. But I will say that I’ve noticed more energy and slightly more drive mentally. Which I think might be coming from the Testosterone, the pharmacist did say you start seeing the effects of the T in about 3-4 weeks. And that puts me right about where I am at now.
I’ve always heard of women having sore breasts, but have never experienced that myself till now, which would be from the Estrogen. That seemed to of lasted only 2 days. And about a few days after the highest dose of my Progesterone intake, I think I laid in bed all day like an emo teenager… haha! We’ll see what the next month brings.
So Far… So Good
I thought this would be good to post my experience on HRT. This might help others out there who are going through similar experiences or even thinking about how to fix their hormones.
I’ll post another update on my second month of being on HRT. Please, leave any comments below about your experiences or even questions that might help other women.