Sensory Deprivation Tank Health Benefits
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be floating in outer space?
Ever heard of Sensory Deprivation Tanks? It’s kinda like floating in outer space!
Ok… maybe not the scariness of being in outer darkness looking back at planet Earth, haha. But did you know there are tons of benefits to floating?
More and more float centers are popping up all over the world, even days spas are now carrying Sensory Deprivation Tanks.
What are Sensory Deprivation Tanks?
A Sensory Deprivation Tank or also called isolation tanks or float tanks are a therapy used to help individuals restrict outside stimuli. This therapy is called REST, Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy.
You are probably thinking… you go into a tank to get away from outside distractions to get REST? Haha, isn’t that what my bed is for?!
Well, these tanks have a lot more benefits than just laying in your bed.
These tanks are more like pod-looking contraptions… kinda like your own little cocoon. They are dark soundproof tanks filled with about a foot of warm saltwater and have some crazy benefits!
How the Sensory Deprivation Tank Got Started…
I’m not going to give you the long history about Sensory Deprivation Tanks. If you want to read all of that, you can read about John C. Lilly who invented them.
But, I will tell you John C. Lilly is a genius who invented the Deprivation Tanks to explore the human consciousness. He later paired this work to communicate with dolphins. This guy is literally a genius.
Dr. Lilly wanted to study the origins of the consciousness of the human mind by cutting off all outside distractions. Which has now led to many many scientific studies proving the evidence on the benefits of floating.
How Do Sensory Deprivation Tanks Work?
The water in the tank is heated to exact body temperature. You first shower off, place earplugs in your ears, and climb into the pod. You can go in nude or in your bathing suit. I prefer nude because then there are no restrictions… you know that feeling of your halter top digging into your neck or your bottoms riding up. Nude is more freeing.
Once you are in the tank, you close the lid, and you are cut off from everything, including all noise and light. Then you lay down and float. (This may sound a bit scary… but we’ll get into that in a bit).
The reason the water is the same temperature as your body, is so you actually do feel like you are floating in space! You don’t feel the water or the pod. You will want to keep the lid on the pod down because the air temperature will affect the water temperature and your body.
The floating part is easy because you are in a ton of Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate), this provides buoyancy for you to float and not sink.
What Happens in a Sensory Deprivation Tanks?
Once you begin your float, at first you are kinda tense, and then within no time, you are in total relaxation mode. You will then find yourself slipping into an unconscious state.
I’ll be honest… it is the most bizarre feeling!
You are laying there floating, with no restrictions, no distractions, and then you begin dozing off, and completely relaxed.
And then your mind begins to wonder. You now enter a deeply relaxed state. During this stage, you will find some of the amazing benefits of Sensory Deprivation Therapy.
Next thing you know your time is up and you feel like you have been sleeping for days.
Waking up at first you are a little disoriented, but that feeling goes away fairly quickly.
What Are the Benefits of a Sensory Deprivation Tank?
Like most therapies, the outcomes differ between individuals and even between each experience.
Sensory Deprivation Tank therapy has been shown to help with muscle relaxation, better athletic performance, better sleep, decrease in pain, stress, anxiety, and depression!
It is also said to produce several effects on the brain. These effects have been known to increase creativity in an individual and even many have reported to having induced hallucinations.
Which I can say… I have had all the above!
Each time I have gone, the experiences have been similar but varied slightly. It just depends on my state of mind or even what I am going through at that time of my life.
But I will say… it’s an adventure each and every time I have done it!
What are Sensory Deprivation Tanks Like?
This therapy isn’t for everyone. But if you don’t mind being inside of a pod-like structure… you got to try this out.
My first experience was back in 2013. I was on very little sleep from bartending and trying to get all my finals done. I had been super stressed from school and had just flown in to see my sister.
She took me straight from the airport to the float spa. The first time I went in, I wore my bathing suit (which I don’t recommend, just too constricting when floating). At first, I was like hmmm this is a little weird and then the next thing I knew I was floating and out like a light.
When the hour was up… I felt like I had slept for weeks. I had so much energy and my mind was between relaxed and energized with tons of creativity.
The next time was a little different…
Are Sensory Deprivation Tanks Scary?
I climbed into the tank, pulled down the lid, and turned the lights and music off. I wanted to be totally relaxed. Side note… you can leave the lights on during your session and have music or no music. Totally your call.
I figured this experience would be the same as last time. But unfortunately, it wasn’t.
These float pods are about 8 feet long and about 5 feet wide. When you lay down the lid is above your feet and the controls are on your righthand side. These controls are for lights, music and to contact the controller of the tank in case you have any issues.
After some time in the pod, I had gone into a very deep unconscious state. As I was coming to, I was disoriented and thought I got turned around. I didn’t know where I was and with all the lights off and no sound, I became panicky. I tried to reach up and open the lid, thinking it was above my head and not by my feet, then I went into a panic attack. I thought I was trapped in there!
Once I became aware, I hit the light button on my right and turned it on. At this point, my heart was racing and it took a while to calm down. That kinda freaked me out… but didn’t stop me from continuing to do float sessions.
Now when I do my sessions, I will keep the music on the whole time. And, I’ll be honest, sometimes I keep the lights on for comfort and sometimes I turn them off.
Are Sensory Deprivation Tanks Safe?
The pods are completely safe. Although my experience that one time was a little nerve-wracking and I haven’t had an experience like that since.
Go into this therapy with the understanding of your limitations when being in small spaces and how you might react. My late mother refused to go into one of them because she had a fear of confined spaces. If you have fears like that, I would absolutely NOT recommend this therapy for you!
If you are unsure of the tanks, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to see if it will react to any medical conditions or concerns you have. Or even reacting with any medications you are taking.
Remember these tanks are full of Epsom Salt, there are tons of benefits to floating in magnesium for a whole hour. But there are people who might not react so well to that. Just make sure if you do have concerns… call your doctor.
Where To Go to Use a Sensory Deprivation Tank?
Sensory Deprivation locations are popping up everywhere these days. Some are part of a spa, or you can go to a float spa where they are completely dedicated to tank therapy.
The cool thing about some float spas is they have oxygen therapy afterward. So, while you sit there relaxing for a while, you are given flavored oxygen and water or tea. Super relaxing.
Also… drink tons of water for the remainder of the day. You just did some major detoxing.
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How Much Is a Float Cost?
You can buy your own sensory deprivation tank, but that will run you between $10,000 and $30,000. #LifeGoals haha! But I’m sure that’s a lot of upkeep on maintaining your own tank.
The cost for a one-hour float session at a flotation center or float spa ranges from about $50 to $100, just depending on the location. At most places, I have paid about $70 for a session.
That’s a little pricy for me to do all the time. So, I usually do one when I really need to relax or need a little creative spark.
They do have couples float, but I don’t recommend floating with a partner. It’s super distracting when you keep bumping into each other!
The Float Process…
- When you go to the float spa for the first time, show up a bit early so they can explain it to you and walk you through the process.
- Remove all your clothes and jewelry.
- Shower before entering the tank.
- Get into the tank, lower the lid, and gently lay back and float.
- If you choose to not listen to music your whole session, the music will still play at the start of the session for 5-10 minutes to help you relax.
- The float is generally 1 hour.
- Music and lights will turn on for the last 5 minutes of your session.
- Gently sit up and when getting out of the tank, be very careful. (You are in such a relaxed state, it’s almost like being hypnotized… so just take slow movements).
- Shower again and get dressed.
It is recommended to eat beforehand and to not consume caffeine or alcohol 4 hours prior to your float session.
Also… remember shaving and waxing are going to hurt with the salt water, so don’t do it before going to your appointment.
Is Sensory Deprivation Tank Therapy for You?
There are many claims that REST- (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) causes feelings of overwhelming happiness and euphoria.
Through studies, people have been said to of experienced euphoria, increased well-being, and feeling more optimistic after coming out of a floating session.
Others have reported spiritual experiences, deep inner peace, sudden spiritual insight, and feeling as if they were born anew.
When you are left in your own thoughts with no distractions and find complete peace, your mind and body will have incredible experiences.
After my mom passed away, a few months later I did a session. All I can tell you was I cried a lot during that session… yes, out of sadness but also incorporated with peace and healing. It was a spiritual healing process for me, which helped me come out of that therapy with deeper inner peace and optimism.
You tell me what other therapy gives you that type of experience?!
You have to try it at least once in your life and know what it feels like to float in outer space.