What To Buy…

I Love to Shop… especially at 3 in the morning when I can’t sleep. Here are my favorite 3 am finds.
The good thing is, you don’t have to lose any sleep over them, cause I got you covered!

Insomniacs Do It All Night Long… Time To Get A Weighted Blanket
HOW FASTING IS GREAT FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND MORE I was going through a period of time in my life where I just couldn't sleep. During this time I was working two jobs, exhausted, and badly needed to sleep to just even function. I talked to a friend who told me that...
Give Your Kitchen A Little Scandinavian Pop
GIVE YOUR KITCHEN A LITTLE SCANDINAVIAN POP When you first move out on your own, you probably headed down to the nearest Walmart or Ikea to buy the necessities. My first pots and pans... I think, was either my mom's old ones or a few I picked up at Walmart. They...
Do You Sous Vide? Because You Need To!!
HOW FASTING IS GREAT FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND MORE Most of us barely have time to sit down for 2 minutes before we have to get up and do something else on our "To-Do-Lists". Cooking is the last thing we want to do but we still want to eat and can only afford to take...