Styling sprays are so personal. I think everyone has their favorites and for different reasons. These 3 sprays are my absolute favorite, which I use all the time and for different reasons. When I want a more textured look, I’ll grab one type of spray. On other days if I want a soft manageable hairstyle, I’ll grab a different one. It really just depends on my mood and the look I’m going for.

Finding the right styling spray that holds all day long and doesn’t look ’80’s crunchy’ can be hard to tackle. But I’ve got ones that might just stick on you.

The Strong Keep Going…

Volume Hairspray

Big hair… don’t care. I love a lot of volume. When I want height and extreme styles, I’ll reach for OSIS. For those times I want a really good strong hairspray OSiS Finish by Schwarzkopf Session Extreme Hold never lets me down. This aerosol is a super strong spray that will hold the look you want all day long.

Osis spray is great for that stylish pompadour or for backcombing to get that extra volume. Just make sure to always check the back of your hair… I know I’ve walked out the door many times with a rat’s nest… Haha! Gotta love those girlfriends who are always there for you to fix the hair you can’t see.

Hairspray for soft curls

Soft And Seductive…

Soft big curls that you can just run your fingers through are to die for. When I want to shape those types of curls, I go with TIGI Bed Head Maxxed Out Massive Hold Hair Spray.

This hairspray is strong but doesn’t leave your hair feeling crunchy or sticky. What I love about it, is shapes your curls and still leaves your hair looking beautiful all day.

Your hair won’t look “sprayed” after you apply it, but at the same time retains its shape and hold. And it actually still lets your hair move and bounce like your see on those great hair commercials.

Good Texture, Good Vibes…

Hairspray for textured hair

I love me some good texture. It just adds life to my hair. So if the texture is your thing then you might want to try out a wax spray. Redken Wax Blast 10 Finishing Hair Spray Wax is a texturizing hairspray wax that defines your locks and really makes your hair have that rough-textured look with a choppy, satin-matte finish.

I love this spray because it just seems to be what my hair needs to give it that little something extra! Also, it’s great to spray on your hair just before you curl it… seems to help hold my curls longer.

You Can Never Have Too Much Hairspray…

I have the hardest time trying to find the right styling spray. And for me… they are not all created equal. HARDLY! When I do a hairstyle, I want it to look effortless, like I just walked off a photo shoot.

Just FYI… each of these photoshoot pictures used with those exact styling sprays. So if that’s the look you want, I highly recommend those exact styling sprays. So far, these are my favorite sprays that haven’t let me down yet. Oooooh and sometimes I go crazy and just mix them all together!

Let me know what’s your favorite styling spray. I’m always game to try something new.

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to give your hair life again!

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