non dairy Creamer

One thing I miss more than anything on my autoimmune diet is heavy cream. There are a few other things but heavy cream to me was heaven, till I found a way to make my own.

I’d like to call this recipe a Dairy-Free Heavy Cream but unfortunately, butter is still a dairy product. Because of my autoimmune disease, my body can not tolerate all forms of dairy, except butter. This is why I love this recipe. It’s great for those who miss heavy cream but can still tolerate butter.

Not A Recipe For Those Allergic To Dairy!

First off, I want to put it out there that for those who are allergic to Dairy this is NOT a recipe for you! And when I say allergic, I mean those individuals that CAN NOT consume any form of dairy because it is life-threatening.

But for those who are dairy intolerant (like myself), you just might be able to consume butter. And here’s why…


I say might be able to tolerate dairy because everyone and their body, is different. If you have given up dairy to help with either digestion or autoimmune flare-ups, you might have dabbled a little in butter to see if your system can tolerate it or not. I’ve known a lot of people that can actually have butter because of its simple ingredients… of really just butterfat and water.

Related Reads:


Butter Me Up Buttercup: The Truth About Butter

Butter consists of approximately 80% butterfat and the rest water and there are virtually no traces of casein or lactose. Even though it says ‘virtually no’, there are still very small trace amounts of them. It is such a small percentage, that most dairy intolerant people can still eat butter with no side effects.

Studies have shown that Lactose-intolerant people can consume up to 12 grams of lactose at a time without symptoms, and 1 tablespoon (14 grams) of butter contains nearly undetectable levels.

These are such low amounts, that your body doesn’t recognize the proteins and wants to attack them.

Heavy Cream

Unlike butter, heavy cream only has 36 percent butterfat and a lot more of the inflammatory proteins in dairy. Making traditional heavy cream off-limits to those on a non-dairy diet. The amounts of lactose, casein and whey in heavy cream are too high, and unfortunately, those with dairy sensitivities can’t tolerate this dairy.

This is why for those who are able to consume butter, this recipe is perfect for a heavy cream substitute.

All You Need Is 2 Ingredients For Your Heavy Cream

Butter and your choice of Nut Milk… that’s it! I prefer to use almond milk because of the creamy flavor it has, but cashew or oat milk will still do the trick. I prefer to use Kerrygold Butter and Malk Almond Milk. (

butter and milk

Don’t just buy any kind of non-dairy milk here’s what to look for when you do buy your alternative milk:

Stop Buying Additives In Your Milks!

healthiest milk alternative

Trust me when I say… I’ve given my substitute heavy cream to dairy lovers and they can’t tell a difference. I put it in cake recipes and I even make my own Cafe Breves with this cream. It tastes amazing and makes me feel like I’m actually using real heavy cream! So if you can tolerate butter… enjoy!

Again… This recipe is not recommended for those with severe or life-threatening food allergens to dairy and specifically butter.

dairy free heavy cream

2 Ingredients Lactose-Free, Keto/Paleo Heavy Cream

I'm This Girl
Make your own Paleo/ Keto friendly, lactose-free heavy cream for recipes or just your coffee with just 2 ingredients
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 4 minutes
Course Drinks, ingredients
Cuisine American
Servings 16


  • Sauce Pan
  • Blender
  • Measuring Cup


  • 1 cup Butter (Unsalted)
  • 1 cup Nut Milk (any type of non-dairy milk will work)


  • Melt 1c of Butter in Sauce Pan
  • Add 1c of Nut Milk to melted Butter
  • Bring Milk and Butter to a boil
  • Boil for 4 minutes
  • Remove cream from heat and pour into blender
  • Blend for 30 seconds to a minute
  • Pour cream into container and place in refrigerator overnight (or longer if needed)
  • Cream will thicken to a heavy cream consistency
Keyword almond butter, almond milk, dairy-free milk, heavy cream, keto, Lactose-free, nut milks, paleo