I was going through a period of time in my life where I just couldn’t sleep. During this time I was working two jobs, exhausted, and badly needed to sleep to just even function. I talked to a friend who told me that Weighted Blankets helped with her insomnia. So I did my research.

What Is A Weighted Blanket?

I’m sure you’ve heard of a weighted blanket before, but like me wasn’t too sure what it was.

The easiest way to describe it is, two pieces of material with a heavy filling inside that’s evenly distributed. This blanket isn’t about the warmth, as it is more about the weight on your body. Although my blanket does keep me really warm in the wintertime.

What Is It Good For?

Insomnia, autism, chronic pain, sensory disorders, Autism, ADHD, anxiety and even eating disorders! That’s just to name a few things for what a weighted blanket is good for.

The blanket is known for being a remedy for sleepless nights, as it’s calming and makes you feel secure. It’s been described as a big hug and who doesn’t want a big hug?!

Studies On Weighted Blankets

When we were fetuses, we were snuggled tightly in the womb and had pressure from the amniotic fluid on our developing bodies. Then as young children, we were wrapped in blankets and held tightly by our mothers. So that feeling of being touched and secure is innate within us, from the beginning of our existence and brought us comfort.

Weighted Blankets blankets are a replication of that deep pressure touch to our bodies. The type of surface pressure that is exerted in most types of firm touching, holding, stroking, petting, or swaddling.

A study done on those with ADHD found that weighted blankets significantly enhanced an individuals’ ‘time to fall asleep. Again, it replicates that feeling of felling asleep in someone’s arms. And, the second part of this study showed behavior at school in those individuals had huge signs of improvement as well. Most likely, they were getting better sleep and feeling ‘loved’ and were able to perform better in their studies.

Also, weighted blankets are efficacious anxiety-reducing agents. Numerous studies have shown that a multitude of physiological symptoms and self-reported levels of anxiety are consistently reduced after the use of a weighted blanket. Reducing anxiety seems to be one of the biggest benefits of these blankets.

Let The Sheep Do The Heavy Lifting

When you first put the blanket on, you feel a significant amount of weight initially. Don’t worry this feeling goes away pretty quickly. I bought a 20lbs queen-sized one, which to my surprise was hard just lifting the box when it was left on my doorstep. But that night, I slept through the whole night and honestly didn’t move or… maybe I couldn’t move! Haha. All I know is it works and when I sleep with it, I get a great night of sleep.

If you suffer from any of these ailments mentioned above or looking for a deep hug… you might want to look into a weighted blanket for yourself or even someone you know. It’s worth every pound. Just don’t get one that is too heavy or you may need help just getting out of bed!