Hormone Replacement Therapy is becoming one of the most commonly prescribed drug regimens for menopausal women around the world. The average age of menopausal women is about 51 years. But around 1 in 100 women experience menopause before 40 years of age.
Unfortunately, I’m one of those women. I never thought about menopause and definitely didn’t think it affected me at the age I am now!
The Big ‘M’ Word
For most of us, we just know Menopause as something our mothers and grandmothers went through, where they stopped their periods and had a ‘few’ hot flashes.
I think, also many of us tend to naively look forward to not having our periods, so we don’t have to ‘deal’ with it and can have sex without getting pregnant. That’s what I thought when my doctor told me I was premenopausal and then… I started doing my research. And what I found out was, I want ‘Aunt Flow’ visiting me as long as I can have her!
Signs Of Menopause
Our female bodies stop producing vital hormones on their own due to either ovarian failure, premature menopause, or actual menopause.
When women begin seeing this change in their bodies, they commonly suffer from symptoms like acne, bloating, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, weight gain, joint pain, facial hair, food cravings, brain fog, and loss of sex drive. That’s just the first signs!
Now maybe we might rethink having to ‘deal’ with that time of the month and those ‘few hot flashes’.
Aftermath Of Menopause
As we know, hormones are the ultimate source of life. Estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone, insulin, prolactin, and melatonin, all register to each cell directly, right down to the nucleus. So without hormones, our cells DIE, and then so do we.
So here’s the thing… as women, we badly need hormones, not only to have children, but to prevent such diseases as breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia, or whatever disease we are genetically predisposed to.
Related Reads:
Hormones… The Fountain Of Youth
The great news is, there are options available to us to help replace these deteriorating hormones. Annnd… they have science to back them up on their efficacy.
HRT Available To Women
There are two types of Hormones Replacement Therapies on the market right now. One is synthetic and the other is bioidentical hormones.
The first and newer version is Synthetic Hormones which are completely produced in labs. Unfortunately, they have shown extreme negative side effects in many studies, including women developing breast cancer! This is one of the diseases we are trying to prevent by doing Hormone Replacement Therapy.
The second replacement therapy is bioidentical hormones. These hormones are more natural to a women’s body and can be metabolized. Oh yeah… and they have been around for centuries!
Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
Natural or bioidentical hormones are made from plant materials and have the same effect as the body’s own hormones and they do not interfere with your own current hormone production.
Although plants do not produce human hormones, some plants make compounds that are very similar (and altered in a compoundery) to fit women’s hormones molecule for molecule.
Studies have shown that women who are supplementing with bioidentical hormones have maintained healthy cholesterol levels, improvements in blood flow to their hearts, and decreased risk of heart disease. Not only have they seen physical benefits but mental clarity returns along with their sex drive!
Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women on HRT have also shown lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and Alzheimer’s disease compared to women who aren’t taking any form of hormone replacements.
By taking HRT were are putting our bodies back into the rhythm of nature and prolonging the inevitable, by regaining optimal health as long as our bodies will allow us to.
Here’s the thing… I don’t think we are tricking Mother Nature by trying to stay eternally young or trying to dodge these horrific diseases. I think she’s helping us out by giving us plants to keep us as young and healthy as we want to be!
Here’s what to expect in the first month, if you decide to try hormone replacement therapy:
My First Month On Hormone Replacement Therapy